Amusement Park: Open Monday to Friday

Disclaimer: This blog is purely fictional. Any relation to a culture, language or antics is purely co-incidental.  Like a lot of people, I work at an amusement park. Every day is a fun day and the work we do entertains people. We also earn some money while at it. So let me take you through a typical... Continue Reading →

The scarecrow and the dog

A lush open field that has been around for decades.  Two protectors of the field- the scarecrow and the dog. Both given the sole responsibility of protecting the field. But their actionables different. While the dog is a runner; the scarecrow oversees the field from a distinct height. The dog barks and screams, the scarecrow... Continue Reading →

Mrs. Flantee’s Tea Party

Hey Guys, Here's the link to my first e-book, called Mrs. Flantee's Tea Party. It is a simple light-hearted story for kids that teaches the values of sharing and caring. Do check it out below and let me know what you guys think of it. And stay tuned for more.    

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